Court-appointed translator for English
My services
Certified translations
Public authorities and institutions may require a translated document to be certified, i.e. translated by a court-appointed translator. Such documents include university diplomas, birth certificates, contracts or apostilles. In order for a translator to become appointed by a court as a certified translator, he or she must meet a number of requirements, such as to have a university degree, demonstrate superb knowledge of the language as well as expertise in legal issues by passing a rigorous examination, and demonstrate at least 5-year experience in translation.
Legal translations
I am the author of the official translation of Act No 89/2012 Sb., the Civil Code, the single largest piece of Czech legislation comprising the bulk of the Czech civil law. The contract was awarded by the Ministry of Justice. Also, I have completed the JURIDIKUM programme at the Charles University. I am therefore able to translate both academic and “real-world” documents relating to civil, criminal and/or administrative law, as well as other branches of law.
Economic translations
I also offer professional translations of economic texts. As a graduate of the Economic Faculty, Technical University of Ostrava, I am intimately familiar with human resources, finance, accounting, management, and other economic subdisciplines. Using my expertise in the field, I offer translations of uncompromising quality.
About me
Specialising in economic and legal disciplines, I have been a translator since 2006. In 2015 I was appointed a certified translator for English by the Regional Court in Ostrava. I am the author of the official translation of Act No 89/2012 Sb., the Civil Code, awarded by the Ministry of Justice. I am a teacher at the University of Ostrava, teaching the course “Practical translation”. I am a member of the Chamber of Court Appointed Interpreters and Translators of the Czech Republic.
Ing. Jan Struhala
+420 608 616 685

Jsem plátce DPH.
IČ: 69215405
Partyzánské náměstí 1738/3, Ostrava 1